5 Must Have Tools on an Insurance Website

 In tools, websites

Setting up an insurance website for your business? Want to make it stand out with interesting features and engaging tools? Here are some ideas that you can incorporate easily without spending a lot of time and money. Check them out:


1.    Comparison Tools

One of the most important tools to have on your insurance website is a comparison tool. This is perhaps the first thing that customers are going to notice and use before they browse any of the services. A good comparison tool has detailed information from all leading insurance options including not just the term and rates but also any extra features and additional highlights. The aim should be to guide the customer towards the best plan without taking up a lot of their time or making the whole process complicated for them.


2.    Calculators

Not just limited for mortgage websites, calculators can make any financial website all the more functional and attractive for customers. A lot of people are not just looking for quotes for their chosen insurance plan but also need guidance on how they will be making the payments, how much return they should expect and any other relevant information. Instead of reading textual data, facts and figures make more sense and impact at the same time.


3.    Industry Resources, Blog and News

The blog is perhaps the most important part of any website in times like today when people like to be as much aware as possible before choosing any kind of service big or small. Industry resources and latest news form authentic sources on your website will also present a more credible image in the eyes of the customer. Plus, blogs and industry news always bring in fresh content to your website on a regular basis which keeps the search engine ranking up.


4.    Social Media Plug-ins

Needless to say, social media is the reigning king of online marketing and linking it with your official website will only be a more fruitful step for you in the future. You can connect your Facebook page and even Twitter feeds to your website and make your customers more engaged in your services even on their first visit and let them know about any other events etc. related to your business. Social media plug-ins can easily be connected to your website and this way, even if you don’t update the content on your main website, the right keywords used in your Facebook and Twitter posts can keep the rankings up.


5.    Feedback Forms and Customer Service

Need a human element on your insurance website? Feedback forms and options to talk live are your best bet! This way, customers can get in touch with you without any delay and ask you about any service or clear any misconceptions before you start losing traffic. If you don’t have time to cater to online CRM, outsource the job to a professional so you can handle both your business and your online presence like a charm!


Need help in setting up or managing your insurance website? Get in touch with us now for professional assistance and guidance today and we will take it from there!

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